Causes of Varicose Veins
For women, wearing high heels is considered the cause of varicose veins. You need to know, when using high heels, foot movement is limited because the position of the foot is forced to tiptoe. If left for a long period, varicose veins can develop. From a medical perspective, varicose veins are caused by damage to the valves of the veins that carry dirty blood from the body back to the heart. As a result of this valve damage, the blood cannot be channeled back to the heart properly.
Because of this, there is a widening of the superficial return veins which is characterized by the appearance of prominent ‘veins’ on the surface of the skin in the calf area. This often makes women, in particular, insecure because of the bulging veins in the calves. However, wearing high heels is not the only factor that causes varicose veins. There are several conditions such as obesity, pregnancy, hormonal factors, prolonged standing, and heredity that can increase a person’s risk factor for varicose veins.
Varicose Veins and Associated Symptoms
Varicose vein patients generally complain of aching legs, heaviness, cramps, swelling, bluish veins, and pain and wounds that are difficult to heal. These signs are symptoms of someone having varicose veins.
If you experience them, consult a vascular surgeon immediately. The examination will be carried out comprehensively by the surgeon by knowing the medical history, physical examination, and supporting examination using Doppler ultrasound to get the right treatment.
Varicose Vein Treatment
Treating varicose veins is seen from the level of the disease which is non-invasive and invasive (surgery). Non-invasive varicose veins can be treated using compression stockings and varicose veins using sclerosant agents. For invasive varicose veins, surgical binding (ligation) is required.
This article is a collaboration between OONA and EMC Hospital Tangerang.