Solusi asuransi kargo untuk melindungi pengiriman barang lewat darat, laut, atau udara.

Asuransi Pengangkutan

Pengiriman aman untuk keberlangsungan bisnis

Butuh asuransi yang tepat untuk kargo Anda?

Kami dapat memberikan berbagai jaminan sesuai kebutuhan Anda


Asuransi pengangkutan adalah produk asuransi yang memberikan perlindungan terhadap barang selama berada dalam pengangkutan yang diangkut baik melalui darat, laut maupun udara.

Asuransi pengangkutan OONA memberikan perlindungan lengkap terhadap risiko-risiko yang mengancam barang selama dalam pengangkutan baik melalui darat, laut, maupun udara.


Pertanggungan dan Manfaat

Compare the various coverage and benefits of each cargo insurance solution and choose the best one for you.

Risiko ICC
Kebakaran atau Peledakan

Kapal kandas, karam, tenggelam atau terbalik

Alat angkut darat tabrakan, terbalik atau keluar rel

Tabrakan antara kapal atau benturan kapal dengan benda-benda lain kecuali air

Pembongkaran barang di pelabuhan darurat

Gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi atau sambaran petir


Pengorbanan kerugian umum

Jettison : Pembuangan kargo keluar kapal (laut) atas dasar penyelamatan

Barang tersapu ombak ke laut ( Washing overboard )


Masuknya air laut, air danau atau air sungai ke dalam kapal, palka kapal, kontainer, atau tempat penyimpanan


Kerugian total per koli, karena terlempar atau jatuh ke laut selama pemuatan atau pembongkaran barang ke atau dari kapal ( Sling Losss )


General average contribution : kontribusi kerugian G.A.

Both to blame collision : kontribusi tubrukan kapal vs kapal

Banjir, angin topan, tanah longsor, pergerakan tanah, tsunami



Pencurian, perampokan



Terjatuh/ barang rusak karena bongkar-muat, risiko bongkar-muat lainnya



Kerusakan akibat kecelakaan lainnya (Accidental demage) yang tidak disebutkan di atas **



Pengecualian Umum

Polis ICC A, B, C tidak menjamin kerugian akibat  hal-hal sebagai berikut:

-        Tindakan sengaja dari tertanggung atau pegawainya

-        Kebocoran, berkurang berat, secara alamiah atau keausan alamiah (wajar)

-        Disebabkan oleh Packing yang kurang baik, tidak cukupnya atau tidak cocoknya packing terhadap barang yang diangkut

-        Disebabkan oleh kerusakan sifat alamiah dari barang, karat.

-        Disebabkan karena keterlambatan

-        Disebabkan karena kebangkrutan atau biaya yang timbul karena kebangkrutan

-        Disebabkan karena risiko atom atau nuklir dan sejenisnya

-        Karena alat angkut tidak layak untuk perjalanan darat / laut, overload atau kelebihan muatan

-        Risiko - risiko perang

-        Lainnya mengacu pada polis

Claim Report


Immediately contact Oona Integrated Claims via the Call Center, WhatsApp Business, Email, or via the Website no later than 7 (seven) calendar days after the loss and/or damage occurs.


Complete the claim document and fill out the claim form, accompanied by a detailed report regarding the cause of the damage/loss.


Claim Payment is within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the existence of a written agreement, or certainty regarding the amount of claims to be paid.


Ada pertanyaan?

Buka FAQ kami untuk lihat informasi yang ingin kamu ketahui.

How long is the coverage period provided by the Cargo Insurance?


This coverage starts from the time the insured goods leave the warehouse or storage place mentioned in the Policy Schedule to start the trip, continues for the duration of the reasonable journey and ends on:

1. when the goods are handed over at the recipient's warehouse or at another final warehouse or storage place at the destination mentioned in the Policy Schedule;
2. when the goods are handed over at the warehouse or other storage place chosen by the Insured either before or at the destination mentioned in the Policy Schedule, which are used for:
-off-site storage,
-or allocation or distribution, or when the time expires 7 (seven) days after the goods have been unloaded from the ship at the last port of discharge; whichever happened first.

How long is the coverage period provided by the Cargo Insurance?
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After I submit a claim, how can I monitor my claim process?


To find out the status of your claim, you can fill out the form on the Claim Status page.

After I submit a claim, how can I monitor my claim process?
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How to pay the Cargo Insurance premium?


Payment of Cargo Insurance premiums can be made by cash, check, giro, transfer or by other methods agreed upon.

How to pay the Cargo Insurance premium?
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How long does it take to process a claim?


Payment of compensation within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the agreement.

How long does it take to process a claim?
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How to buy a Cargo Insurance product?


You can contact the Marketing Team at the Oona Branch and Marketing Office. You can find a list of addresses and telephone numbers of Oona Marketing and Branch Offices on the Customer Support page.

Apart from that, you can also fill in your personal data in the form on the Cargo Insurance product page, and we will contact you soon.

How to buy a Cargo Insurance product?
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When can I submit a claim after the policy is activated?


The customer can submit a claim after the policy is activated, as long as the policy is still valid.

When can I submit a claim after the policy is activated?
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What should I do if my shipment is lost or damaged?


You can fill out the Cargo Insurance Claim Reporting form which is available on the Claim Report form on the Claim Report page on the Oona website. For claims submission and further information, please contact the 24-hour Call Center at (021) 280 90111.

If you have difficulty filling out the claim reporting form, for those of you who are in the Jakarta area, you can directly contact the Oona Integrated Claims section at number (021) 4585 1018 or via SMS to number 087782828121. Meanwhile, for those of you who are outside the area of Jakarta, you can contact the nearest Oona Branch Offices. Click on the Customer Support page to get information about Oona Branch Offices. The Customer's obligations in the event of loss and/or damage can be seen in the Policy Wording.

What should I do if my shipment is lost or damaged?
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What should I do if my policy is lost or damaged?


Immediately contact the nearest Branch and Marketing Office, by bringing a letter of loss, or by calling the 24-hour Call Center at (021) 280 90111 which will assist you in arranging a duplicate policy.

What should I do if my policy is lost or damaged?
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You can see more complete information on the Insurance Policy that you have, which consists of a Policy Summary and Policy Terms (policy wording). These documents contain everything that is guaranteed and what is not guaranteed in your insurance policy. The Policy Summary contains details about the policyholder, the risk insured, the period of insurance and details of the insurance premium.